Q1. コホート研究とは何ですか?
A. 生活習慣(喫煙・飲酒・食生活)や環境、からだの状態(健診の結果、血液や尿の成分など)を長期にわたって調べ、健康や病気の発症との関連を調べる研究のことです。
Q2. 地域住民コホート調査をする目的は何ですか?
A. この事業では、東日本大震災後のこころとからだの健康を評価し、震災にともなうストレスと、脳卒中、心・血管疾患などの生活習慣病、がん、精神疾患(うつ病・不安障害・外傷後ストレス障害などの感情障害)、アレルギー疾患の発症との関連を明らかにすることを目指します。
Q3. なぜ遺伝子の分析は必要なのですか?
A. 脳卒中、心・血管疾患などの生活習慣病、がん、精神疾患、アレルギー疾患などの病気は、その人の生活習慣(生活環境の要因)のみならず、その人が親から受け継いだ体質(遺伝的な要因)との両方の影響によっておこると考えられています。遺伝的な体質(「遺伝子」、広くは「ゲノム」と言います)と生活習慣の関係を調べることで、ひとり一人の体質にあわせた病気の予防法や治療法(これを個別化予防・医療と呼びます)の開発につなげることが期待されているからです。
Q4. この事業に協力すると何がわかりますか?
A. この研究にご協力いただいた場合、通常の健診より詳しい健康に関する検査の結果がわかります。皆さまの健康づくりや生活習慣の工夫、脳卒中、心・血管疾患などの生活習慣病、がん、精神疾患、アレルギー疾患などの病気の予防にお役立ていただくことができます。
Q5. 何の役に立つのですか?
A. 体質(遺伝子)と生活習慣の関係を調べることで、病気のかかりやすさと生活習慣を考えた今後の予防法の開発(個別化予防)や、病気の治療法(個別化医療)に役立つことが考えられています。
Q6. 具体的には何を協力すればいいのですか?
A. 大きく分けて、
- 質問票などによる自己申告
- 医療機関への確認
- 診療報酬明細書(レセプト)
* 転出や亡くなられたときは、住民基本台帳や死亡小票で確認を行います。
- 転出や死亡の確認は、法律に定められた手続きにしたがって、市役所や役場などで住民票または住民基本台帳閲覧によって確認させていただきます。
- お亡くなりになった場合は、その原因を確認するために、厚生労働省の許可を得て、お住まいの市町村の保健所にて死亡小票(亡くなった方のお名前、日付、理由などがまとめられた公的な書類)を閲覧させていただきます。
Q7. 途中で参加をやめることはできますか?
A. 研究への参加は自由意思ですので途中でやめることもできます。また、やめたからといって不利益になることはありません。取りやめを希望される場合は、当機構コホート分野(019-907-4010)までご連絡ください。
Q8. 検査結果はどのような項目が返却されるのですか?
A. 特定健診の結果のほかに、いつもよりも詳しい血液検査結果、栄養素摂取量の計算結果、心臓機能や腎機能の評価、こころの健康度などの項目がみなさまに返却されます。
Q9. 遺伝子の解析結果について知りたいのですが?
A. 遺伝子解析の結果と病気との関連性については、現時点では結果をみても病気にかかる可能性を予測したり、病気であることを正確に示したりすることが難しく、みなさまの健康づくりや治療に直接役立つような情報にはなりにくいことをご承知おきください。遺伝子解析の結果の返却(回付)を希望される場合には、「遺伝情報等回付検討委員会」で審議のうえ、返却(回付)するかどうかの決定を行います。
- その情報を返却(回付)することで、研究業務の適正な実施に著しい支障をおよぼすおそれがないこと
- その情報が生命や健康に重大な影響を与えることが判明した場合には、有効な治療法があること
Q10. 個人情報が漏れることはありませんか?
A. 皆さまからいただいた健康情報や血液・尿などの試料およびそれを分析した検査値・解析結果は、ご本人のものとわからないよう、照合のための番号をつけて管理され、研究者にもどなたの情報を扱っているのかわからないように配慮した形で、厳重に管理されます。研究にあたっては、個人情報が漏れることのないよう、国が定めた基準にしたがって、現在考えられる最良の方法で、個人情報の保護に努めてまいります。
Q11. 試料(血液、尿)や情報の管理とは?
A. 皆さまからいただいた試料(血液、尿)や健康や医療に関する情報に、新しく照合のための番号を代わりにつけてどなたのものかわからないように管理します。健康状態のデータと血液などのデータとの照合は、すべてこの照合番号だけを用いて行いますので、血液を分析する人にもだれのものかがわからないようになっています。試料の分析から得られる遺伝子の情報についても、個人識別が可能にならないよう、厳重な管理とセキュリティ体制の整備を徹底しています。
Q12. 外部機関とは具体的にどのような機関のことを指すのですか?
A. 他の大学や企業といった医学や薬学などの研究をしている機関を指します。
Q13. 同意撤回した場合、すでに収集された試料(血液・尿)はどうなりますか?
A. 同意の撤回には3種類あります。
- 連絡の禁止
- 連絡、追跡調査の禁止
- 連絡、追跡、試料や情報の利用の禁止
Q14. 偶発的所見とは?
A. 研究の目的とは別に、偶然見つかった、生命にかかわる重大な情報のことを偶発的所見といいます。この所見があったときには、有効な対処方法があるとき、委員会で審議の上、ご希望があるときにお知らせいたします。
- その情報が生命や健康に重大な影響を与えることが判明した場合には、有効な治療法があること
Q15. 利益相反とは?
A. 研究における利益相反とは、研究者が企業などから経済的な利益(研究費、謝金など)を受けることにより、研究の公正さを疑われる状態、もしくは研究結果や公表に影響を及ぼす可能性がある状態のことを言います。
Q1. What is a cohort study?
A. A cohort study examines lifestyle (smoking, alcohol consumption, dietary habits, etc.), environment, and physical state (e.g., check-up results and laboratory data) over a prolonged period of time. Such studies reveal the association between health status and the development of illness.
*Cohort is a term that originally referred to a unit of soldiers in the Roman army. In medical research, a cohort refers to a group of research subjects that are followed for a certain period of time.
Q2. What is the purpose of the cohort study of local residents?
A. The purpose of the cohort study of local residents by Iwate Tohoku Medical Megabank Project is to assess mental and physical health following the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami of March 2011 by investigating the association between stress brought on by the disaster and onset of lifestyle-related diseases (e.g., stroke and cardiovascular diseases), psychiatric disorders (e.g., depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorders), cancer, and allergic conditions.
The health assessment facilitates early detection and treatment of disease. The study will be used for the development of preventive and medical care tailored to individuals on the basis of health information, medical records, and biological samples.
Q3. Why is genetic analysis necessary?
A. Lifestyle-related diseases (e.g., stroke and cardiovascular disease), psychiatric disorders, cancer, and allergic conditions occur as a result of both an individual’s lifestyle (factors related to living conditions), as well as genetic factors inherited from parents. Examination of the relationship between genetic factors and lifestyle leads to prevention and treatment of various diseases. This is known as “personalized prevention and medicine.”
Q4. What will we learn from this Project?
A. Those who participate in this Project will be given more detailed health check-up results than usual, which may help modify lifestyles and prevent disease (e.g., stroke and cardiovascular disease), stress, cancer, and allergic conditions.
Typically, medical treatment only begins when a person is sick or showing symptoms. However, some diseases may be prevented (prophylaxis) based on individual susceptibility (presymptomatic diagnosis) and lifestyle. In addition, adverse effects to medication may be predicted based on the genetic analysis.
Q5. What is the overall purpose of the cohort study?
A. Analysis of the relationship between genetic factors and lifestyle will help to develop “personalized prevention and medicine.”
Q6. What can I do?
A. There are two major parts to this Project: the “annual check-up” and “follow-up.” In the annual check-up, you will be asked to provide blood and urine samples, as well as to fill out surveys on your lifestyle and medical history. During follow-ups, your medical record will be checked in association with local hospitals. Your current address or disease status will also be filed.
*With proper and strict protection, the following items are subject to survey:
- Health and medical questionnaires
- Local hospital records
- Bills/invoices for medical care
*In case of a change of address (outside the municipality, prefecture, etc.) or death, your information will be verified by checking basic resident registration records at a local government office or by death certificate. An individual’s death certificate (a public document describing the name of the deceased, date of death, and cause of death) will, with the approval of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare, be checked by a public health center.
Q7. Can I discontinue participation at any time?
A. Participation in this study is completely voluntary, so you can discontinue participation in the study at any time. Refusal to participate or withdrawal from the study will not result in any penalty or loss of benefit to which the participant is otherwise entitled. If you wish to withdraw from the study, please contact the Iwate Medical Megabank Administration Office at Iwate Medical University.
Q8. Which test results will participants be notified of?
A. In addition to specific health check-up results, all participants will be given more detailed blood test results, calculation of nutrient intake, their risk factor for gastric cancer (via Helicobacter pylori testing), assessment of heart and kidney function, and mental health.
Q9. Will I know the results of my genetic analysis?
A. Currently, genetic analysis alone is not suitable for direct prediction of potential disease risk. Hence, you should be aware that the results of genetic analyses are unlikely to yield practical information for your health or treatment of most diseases. If you still wish to be notified of the results of genetic analyses, the Genomic Information Review Board for Notification will review your request based on the following four criteria:
The genetic information is precise and credible to the assessment of your health.
The genetic information provides important facts relating to your health.
Provision of information will not cause significant obstacles in the conduct of this Project.
Effective treatments can be applicable in accordance with genetic information.
Q10. How is my privacy protected?
A. Information obtained from your biological samples (blood and urine) is anonymized to all those potentially handling samples. In accordance with the Act on Protection of Personal Information, the Ethical Guidelines for Research on the Human Genome and Genes, and the Ethical Guidelines for Epidemiological Research, we will strive to protect your privacy using the best methods currently available.
Q11. What is anonymization?
A. Biological samples (blood and urine) and medical information you provide will be assigned a reference number from which the individual source cannot be identified. The reference number is used for data matching, but the identification number and individual personal information are fully disconnected. All data is under strict management and security.
Only restricted data handling personnel are allowed to access data after sufficient training regarding handling of personal information, including the Personal Information Protection Act and the National Ethics Guidelines for Research. Data-handling personnel are required to sign a nondisclosure agreement. In addition, the study will be overseen and controlled by researchers in each anonymization key.
Q12.What does “external organization” mean?
A. An “external organization” means a firm or institution conducting medical, pharmaceutical, or other research activities, such as universities or private companies. When researchers at external organizations request to use biological samples or medical information for their research, a proposal is reviewed by the Organizational Review for Sample Allocation and Information jointly set up by Iwate Medical University and Tohoku University. The board will assess whether their research is pertinent for the use of your valuable biological samples and data, and whether a system to sufficiently protect personal information has been instituted.
Q13. When consent is withdrawn, what happens to biological samples (blood and urine) that have already been collected?
A. Depending on how consent is withdrawn, sample manipulation will differ from the standard procedure. Consent may be withdrawn in one of the following ways:
- Discontinuation of contact
- Discontinuation of contact and follow-up
- Discontinuation of contact, follow-up, and the use of biological samples and medical information
*If discontinuation by steps 1 or 2 is requested, samples will still be used. If discontinuation by step 3 is requested, samples will be promptly discarded. Notification of sample elimination will be formally provided.
Q14. How are anonymized materials discarded?
A. Although biological samples (blood and urine) are anonymized, the link to individuals is still active, so withdrawn samples can still be selected. However, please be aware that disposal of samples may not be possible if the information has already been made available for Project use or if information has been allocated to outside organizations.
Q15. What are “incidental findings”?
A. Significant life-impacting information that is discovered unintentionally apart from the primary purposes of our research is known as “incidental findings.” These findings will be reviewed by an Organizational Review Board for Sample Allocation and Information.
Q16. What are “conflicts of interest”?
A. A “conflict of interest” occurs when a researcher receives financial benefit (research expenses, honorarium, etc.) from a private company or outside parties that could influence research activity. This may cause proprietary issues, cast suspicion on research quality and outcomes, and may affect their disclosures.
Research activities of the Medical Megabank are conducted with governmental funds. If funding is provided by private companies or outside parties in the future, funding will be checked by the Conflict of Interest Committee and disclosed on Iwate Tohoku Medical Megabank website.